Campbell's Gold Honey Farm and Meadery is family owned farm and apiary located in Abbotsford, BC. As an agritourism business they provide education programs to the public, but also produce a wide range of honey products. In 2022, they began a Bee BC Project that focused on forage. Jenny Campbell, Manager of Education at the [...]

Enhancing Bee Forage Resources
Christine Cooper2024-03-22T16:46:32+00:00The Native Bee Society of BC (NBSBC) completed a 2022/23 Bee BC project that focused on training master melittologists in identifying and recording bee forage information. This included researching bee forage and creating reference collections. The goal is to share those reference collections at community outreach events to encourage people to plant bee forage [...]

Enhancing Bee Forage in the Boundary Area of BC
kstiles2020-11-27T18:41:02+00:00Content by: Liz Huxter and Cooperators: Deane Farms, Kettle River Farms and Morbella Farms Introduction The Boundary area of BC presently has little honey bee forage in late summer. The area is typically hot and arid in late July and August. In the past we have experienced the benefits [...]

Bee Numbers Blossom on Kootenay Conservation Farm
kstiles2020-12-07T18:37:56+00:00In the increasingly complex landscape today’s pollinators must navigate, mounting pressures from food and habitat shortages continue to exact a sizeable toll on both domesticated honey bee and wild bee populations. Fortunately, BC natural beekeepers like Kate and Ryan are doing their best to bolster bee numbers! Since 2017, the pollinator-loving pair has been propagating [...]

Student Outreach Initiative Builds Urban Bee Habitat
kstiles2020-12-03T17:44:28+00:00There are close to 3,000 farms and hundreds of community gardens in Metro Vancouver that rely on native bees for food crop yield and quality. But with native bee populations declining across North America, Metro Vancouver is at risk of becoming one of many communities to face the challenge of [...]

Meadow Restoration Helps Enhance Forage For Victoria Bees
kstiles2020-11-12T21:53:47+00:00In return, these pollination powerhouses rely on nutritious and diverse forage, the decline of which has resulted in poor honey bee health and reduced native bee populations. While establishing pollinator habitat around farm operations can help increase bee resistance to parasites, disease and the effects of pesticide exposure, there is poor uptake in most [...]